Tuesday 13 August 2013

Day 1-2

Peruvian adventure begins... Gatwick-Madrid -Day began at Lee´s house with us trying on our backpacks for size. Lets just say we were like pack horses!!! -Lee´s Mum made us some mammoth sandwiches for the journey' one of which Zoe fed a stray dog on arriving in Peru (no offence Linda). -First beers of the holiday in Gatwick wetherspoons went down a treat! -Noisy spanish kids on the plane. -Nichola´s geography was tested on flying over France :) -Got slightly lost at Madrid airport. -Ate some manky pasta but were still in high spirits with 1 free beer to share between 3. Zoe is introduced to the card game ´deal´ with more games to follow- dangerous times! -We were soon boarding our flight to Peru (which left a little late) and deciding on our song of the holiday- ´Wake me up when it´s all over´. -Shhhhhhleeeeepppp required. Dribbly Giblin! Dry mouths on plane!!! -Some turbulance on the plane. Zoe awakes from sleep to high five Lee thinking we had landed only to be told there were 5 more hours to go! -Longest queues in the world at immigration. Eventually they let us in! -Cab ride to the hostel- meeting ´Alejandro´ who laughed at Lee for trying to get in the drivers seat :) -Arrived in the sleepy town of Barranco at 7am. First stop starbucks. Nichola refused a coffee with 50 soles. Not impressed! Breakfast in Lima = bread! -More games of deal. Trip to the tourism office and Metro supermarket. -Explored Barranco. Not much going on on a Sunday but had a nice stroll along the beach. -Nic and Zo struggle walking up cliff stairs and blame altitude sickness! -Short nap (4 hours) followed by first meal in Peru- spag bol for girls and fish supper for Lee. -More deal then bed (or bobo as Carol would say). Day 2 -Up at crack of dawn- girls woken by Lee´s head torch light display! -Met American ´Ross´ at breakfast. More bread served! -Dodgey but interesting bus ride to Miraflores. -More starbucks and deal. Lee samples Zoe´s highly recommended strawberry frappacino! -Hunted out English pub- doesn´t open till 4pm (so not English). -Internet cafe. -Chilis lunch = Burger, fajitas and tacos. Yum! -Trek around town and another park and beach walk to follow. Enquired about hang gliding but too windy!!! - Lazy cab ride home back to Barranco. Chilled out watching ´Pearl Harbour´and all 3 of us fell asleep by 8pm! Missed dinner and woke at 5.30am. (Hmmm maybe our body clocks need some more tiume to adjust!)

1 comment:

  1. So you have been eating, sleeping, drinking and playing deal, watch how they play Zoe they are both ruthless and probably cheating. Well the big adventure starts today, enjoy the trek but watch out for altitude sickness as it has already affected you walking up from the beach at sea level.
    Don’t forget to check when you need to start taking the Malaria tablets!!!! Look after each other and enjoy. Awaiting the next update. LOL J&C Giblin xxx
